Friday, March 27, 2009

A Poem in Your Pocket

Help spread the power of poetry -- share ideas on twitter for how to share poems on 4/30 for "A Poem in Your Pocket Day" on April 30th. Label tweets #ppocket

Here's the first idea:

Create your own visual poem on Bubblr; blog or email it to friend for "A Poem in Your Pocket Day" on April 30th:

The Poem:

Barren earth
Blossoms in bubbles
Of delicate dew
For butterfly blessings
Mother Earth to you.

The visual:

Or link here: A Poem for Your Pocket by Sheri Edwards


Go to Bubblr at

Use the "tag" box to type a topic on which you want to write a poem.

I chose these (separately as needed): soil, spring, dewdrop

For your search, many photos will appear for you to drag to the current slide.

As I chose my photos, I added the cloud and text.

Then I published with a title and name from which the code can be created to embed or link or email. Enjoy.

National Poetry Month
Poem in Your Pocket

Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness...
Reflect curiosity and wonder...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

5 Photo Essay Tips from Digital Photography School

    • What do you know? 
    • What do you want to know?
    • How will  this help you?
    • What will you do next?
    • How will you document your journey?

    tags: essay, Photography, photoessay, point of view, theme, voice

    • And for the last one hundred years photography and storytelling went hand in hand.
    • developed by skillful photographers who understand the emotions and concepts behind ever-great story.
    • The form of such a story is called the photo essay.
    • A photo essay is very simply a collection of images that are placed in a specific order to tell the progression of events, emotions, and concepts.
    • the photo essay takes the same story telling techniques as a normal essay, translated into visual images.
      • Think in terms of: Grabber Beginning; Thesis; Main idea focus; Evidence; Conclusion; End with Action/Thought Just like you learned about written essays -- now you express your ideas through photos with captions. - post by sheri42
    • Every human being is drawn to stories.
    • photo essay is a brilliant way to bring your images to life and touch your family, friends, and coworkers.
    • 1. Find a topic
    • make your topic something in which you find interest.
    • 2. Do your research
    • spend time
    • talk with
    • investigate
    • check out the theme,
    • help you in planning out the type of shots you set up for your story.
    • 3. Find the “real story”
    • determine the angle you want to take your story
      • What is the angle? Who's voice will you share? What is the most important theme? - post by sheri42
    • Though each story idea is the same, the main factors of each story create an incredibly unique story.
    • 4. Every dynamic story is built on a set of core values and emotions that touch the heart of its audience. Anger. Joy. Fear. Hurt. Excitement. The best way you can connect your photo essay with its audience is to draw out the emotions within the story and utilize them in your shots. This does not mean that you manipulate your audience’s emotions. You merely use emotion as a connecting point.
      • What emotions did you find in your research and theme? How will the audience understand? How will your words and pictures explain your topic, emotions, and voice? - post by sheri42
    • 5.Plan your shots: Whether you decide to sit down and extensively visualize each shot of the story, or simply walk through the venue in your mind, you will want to think about the type of shots that will work best to tell your story. I recommend beginners first start out by creating a “shot list” for the story. Each shot will work like a sentence in a one-paragraph story. Typically, you can start with 10 shots. Each shot must emphasize a different concept or emotion that can be woven together with the other images for the final draft of the story.
      • Use a story board. Plan your shots and your text. Arrange them for powerful impact, just as if you are writing an essay -- what will explain or persuade? What order is best? What words will pack the punch that persuades or provides the facts for people to act or understand? - post by sheri42
    • Remember that story telling takes practice.
    • All you need is a bit of photographic technique, some creativity, and a lot of heart. And once you begin taking pictures in stories, your images will never be the same.
      • You are on your way to a journey of visual understanding and sharing that will help you understand the world as well as share the world. Learn and enjoy. - post by sheri42

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Research Required? Use Diigo!

Do you have research to do? A question to answer? Information to share? Here's the tool for highlighting, annotating, and sharing that important information.

Writers need information, background knowledge, and quotes to add depth and detail to their work. Diigo makes that task of organizing, notating, annotating, and sharing that information so much easier.

Diigo is web-browser enabled tool that allows users to highlight, annotate, and share information from the web.

Notice the yellow highlights and the pink highlights with an annotation.

Once you have bookmarked through Diigo your page, you can retrieve the link to the page, all your highlights, and all your annotations:

Here is the Diigo site of group bookmarks with annotations (green box) and comments (orange box) expanded.

These can be extracted and placed in a document (wiki, word process document, etc.) to analyze to draw one's own conclusions for research reports or other research needs.

This is a fantastic and collaborative research tool. The eighth grade students are conducting independent research from which their notes and annotations become resources for their draft conclusions for their thesis focus.

The fifth grade students are learning about Memphis, Tennessee from essays written by their Presbyterian Day School friends and placed on Mapskip. Students will write an itinerary for the choices they would recommend based on their notes and annotations on the work of our friends.

For a more complete How to Diigo, click here and here.