Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Google Apps Presentation Collaboration

Do you have a need to create a "Thank you" for a special event so that many students participate? Create a Google Apps presentation. 

The Process

Choose a template that fits the situation. Create the title slide and a template slide for students to copy when they log in. Show students how to insert a duplicate slide from the template. Students add their information to their slide, or to one with room left on the slide.

Our project involved a thank you for our outdoor learning day.

The Collaboration

Students logged in to the document and added slides to include Who (who presented) and What (what activities and learning occurred) text. The next day, as a class, we chose pictures from our iPhoto library to upload into the presentation and edited our errors. It worked beautifully: we were able to be specific about the value of the day by explaining what we did and learned.
The Presentation
We downloaded and printed the presentation, two slides to a page. Two students from each class brought the beautiful color copy, now spiral bound with their signatures, to the Colville Tribal Council to share their learning. By writing the slides themselves, students clearly stated with confidence the learning and appreciation for our outdoor day. The Council appreciated our “Thank you.
The Product
Google Docs Presentation allowed us to collaboratively create a careful appreciation for a wonderful day of learning. Does this help you think of other projects for your Google Apps in Education?

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