Monday, August 3, 2015

I am from

I am from...

From tag games and hide-n-go-seek, Red Light Green Light, and long walks on hot pavement with friends, I today still love the feel of sand or pavement underfoot during a lazy walk in conversation with friends.

Although now those conversation occur as I take "walks" in photos from friends from all over the world in Flickr groups, in Twitter chats for conversations, or in blogs with photos and text conversations as my world has expanded as a connected educator.

I am passionate about education reform for more student-centered learning based on student interest and demonstration rather than teacher/district directed mandates and tests. Our futures depend on those who can ask the questions of the world and people around them that will dig into issues to find solutions together, for mutual benefit in a global world.

This post is an example of sharing with a group of teachers finding answers to their questions, of which mine is:

How do I create authentic learning spaces of making and reflecting that empower self-directed learning?
A twitter and #clmooc colleague, Julie Johnson, gathered together middle school teachers for the purpose of creating a CLmooc for their students, a "clmake' of cycles for students to create based on topics, share out through blogs, and connect through comments, or through whatever develops from the students' connections.  It will be an authentic learning space of making and reflecting. Will it also empower self-directed learning?

That is my question, and this my introduction example.

"Green Light."

Crossposted at AskWhatElse

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