Sunday, June 24, 2012

Poetry Friday on Tuesday

Tuesday Quick Write
Kate Messner's Teachers Write Camp


Guest author Sara Lewis Holmes  suggests this about poetry:

Part of her introduction to poetry:
"We write poetry in response to the things that set off alarms inside us. The moments when we are vibrating with wonder, or fear, or heartbreak.  Poetry is most definitely FEELING.
But we also write poetry to examine things more closely; to cry out: that’s not the same thing!  To logically parse a silly thought until it reveals something we didn’t understand when first we were alarmed. Poetry is most definitely THOUGHT. Perhaps that’s why I love Auden’s definition of poetry as 'clear thinking about mixed feelings.'"

Her assignment to us:
"1) Tell me about a time you didn’t reject the first silly thought or phrase that came to you—and what happened afterwards. Write a poem about it if you wish.
2) When you have a free evening, find the recent documentary, Louder Than a Bomb, which follows four teams of students as they prepare for and compete in a Chicago poetry slam. Need a quick jolt immediately? Here’s seventeen-year-old Adam Gottlieb performing “Poet, Breathe Now.”
3) Begin a “commonplace book.” This is simply a notebook into which you copy poems you want to keep nearby. You can do this by hand, inking in the lines, or do what I often do: print or make a copy with your computer, and paste it in. Or do both—no rules! Try reading from this commonplace book before you approach your regular writing time, and see if it puts you in the right frame of mind to be both open and clear.
4) To explore your mixed feelings, write a credo. But do it slant, as Emily Dickinson would advise. Start with “I don’t believe in…” and see where your intrepid words take you."


First: I've chosen prompt 4: I don't believe:

Next: Here is Sara's Credo Poem -- A model for us

And now, mine:

I don't believe in giving up.
I don't have time to write this poem,
It's not even Tuesday; it's Sunday,
but I can't let go of my commitment.

I don't believe in giving up.
I had three days of class this week.
Out of town, away from my safe harbor.
And I want to finish my poem.

I don't believe in giving up.
Although I do believe in adapting
and revising and reforming so it's doable
For me. I will be able to finish my poem.

I don't believe in giving up.
And I don't let my students give up either.
We adapt and revise and reform so the work is doable
For them. They will be able to finish their work.

I don't believe in giving up.
We look together at what needs to be shown
And decide on how each will find a way and a when to show
to me for them what must be done. They do commit to their work.

I don't believe in giving up.
Commit, Adapt, Revise, Reform, Extend.
I don't believe in giving up
But sometimes, I let go.

I don't believe in regrets.
I live each day as best I can
And do as best I can
Fulfilling, for sure, promises.

I don't believe in regrets.
I know that twenty-four hours and sixty-two years
Are both short and long;
Get done with what I can.

I don't believe in regrets.
We look forward to keep going.
We can't see behind without
A mirror, but that's no longer real.

I don't believe in regrets.
So when I can't, when it's too much,
I let go.
I let go and let it behind.

I don't believe in regrets.
Sometimes a student resists everything
We could do for success. What do you do?
Let go.

I don't believe in regrets.
I don't believe in giving up.
I do what I can and then
I am done with it.

Let go.


Your Turn:

Which prompt will you try?

I hope your try your thoughts wrapped up into an "I don't believe in" poem and share it here.

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